Our operating theatre complex now features the most advanced camera stack system and endoscopes available on the market, after the Board of Directors approved the investment of more than $1.2 million.

Theatre 4K video cameras support surgeons to perform keyhole surgery and endoscopies, and enable them to take still and video images in the surgical field for diagnostic purposes and to show patients afterwards.

From October 2023 to February 2024, our theatre team conducted an extensive trial of different cameras from multiple companies and gathered feedback from our many surgeons. Based on the surgeons’ feedback, we chose Stryker’s Endoscopic towers 4K Camera system to best meet the needs of our theatre.

The two new portable high-definition camera stacks will provide better quality images for surgeons and improve the patient experience (note: the second camera stack is expected to arrive next week). The scopes also have artificial intelligence (AI) functionality and if they detect a lesion or polyp, will put a box around it drawing the doctor’s attention to it.

Earlier this year, we also purchased a new fleet of endoscopes including gastroscopes, colonoscopes and paediatric scopes. The increased number of scopes will allow us to meet the increasing demand for gastroenterology services at The Bays. According to the Hardes & Associates data, gastroenterology admissions on the Peninsula are expected to grow by 30 per cent in the next 10 years.