During your stay

Preparing for your stay at The Bays

Our patients are at the heart of everything we do and every decision we make, and we pride ourselves on the excellence of our care and the quality of our people.

We have brand new, modern facilities that we continue to extend over time, and provide state-of-the-art equipment and comfort.

We aim to do everything we can to make your stay as comfortable, safe and restorative as possible, and we welcome your feedback.

Please complete our feedback form after your stay at The Bays.

Before your stay
  • Contact your health fund/insurer to check your membership and that your procedure is covered by your policy. If an excess applies, it will be payable at the time of admission, along with any known out of pocket expenses.
  • Complete the admission paperwork online 14 days before your admission.
    • We will contact you on the working day prior to your admission to confirm your admission time and any out of pocket expenses.
  • If you have any special needs or need to provide us with extra information about you, please contact our reception staff prior to admission.
What to bring to hospital
Clinical information
  • Any correspondence from your doctor
  • All relevant scans or x-rays
  • An up-to-date list of all your medications from your doctor or pharmacist
  • All your current medications in their original packaging (including inhalers, patches, drops, herbal or complementary medicines)
  • A pacemaker card if you have one
  • Your Advanced Care Plan and/or your Enduring Power of Attorney documentation, if you have any
  • Anaphylactic management plan and EpiPen, if you have one
  • Spinal cord stimulator remote, if you have one
  • Wheelchair, walking stick or frame, if you have one
  • CPAP machine if you have one
Insurance information
  • Medicare card
  • Health Fund card
  • Pharmaceutical Safety Net card if you have one
  • Any correspondence from WorkCover or TAC, your insurer details and copy of the approval claim number if applicable
  • Veterans’ DVA card, Pensioner Concession card
  • Credit card/EFTPOS card or other preferred method of payment. Please note that all credit card transactions incur a 1% surcharge to help cover bank charges, and we do not accept AMEX or Diners card.
Personal items
  • Pyjamas, comfortable casual clothes, dressing gown, slippers or soft shoes
  • Toiletries (for example, soap, shampoo, conditioner and toothpaste)
  • Compression stockings if you have them
  • Glasses, contact lenses and/or your hearing aid if you have them
  • For children: a favourite toy or book
  • Charger for electronic devices
What not to bring

The Bays accepts no responsibility for patients’ valuables or property brought into the hospital. For your safety and security we ask you not to bring:

  • cash
  • oil burners, incense or candles
  • jewellery.
When you arrive

Check-in at the hospital reception located at the Vale Street entrance. You will be introduced to a staff member who will start your admission process.

Patient rights and responsibilities


Your right

Access to the healthcare you need

Our responsibilities
  • The Bays provides private patient care. Your health fund will contribute to the costs for your stay and care.
  • Accurately and adequately inform you about the cost of your care and stay in hospital
  • Provide an environment that enables people with a disability to use our services
Your responsibilities
  • Ensure you understand the level of private health insurance you hold
  • Attend all appointments at the booked time and notify us in advance if there is a problem
  • Co-operate with discharge arrangements


Your right

To safe and high quality care, to ask for a review if concerned about your health.

Our responsibilities
  • We will provide care which is based on best available evidence
  • Our staff are qualified to deliver the care you need
  • We are accredited to provide this care
Your responsibilities
  • Give us any information that will assist us in managing your care
  • To follow instructions regarding your care


Your right

To be treated with dignity, respect and compassion.

Our responsibilities

We will recognise and respect your culture, beliefs, sexuality, identity and choices.

Your responsibilities
  • To treat other patients and our staff with respect
  • To co-operate and communicate with our staff


Your right

To receive the information you need to make the best decisions about.

Our responsibilities
  • Provide concise and timely information to you about your care options and treatments in a way that you understand
  • Provide professional assistance, for example, translators to assist in your understanding of care
  • If something goes wrong during your health care, we will explain what happened, how you may be affected and what is being done to make it safer
Your responsibilities
  • Tell us openly about your medical history, medications you are taking, allergies you have, and anything else which will help us care for you
  • Please tell us if you feel this is not happening and we will ensure it does


Your right

To be an equal partner in your healthcare.

Our responsibilities
  • Encourage you to make informed decisions about your care and treatment
  • We respect the role family, friends and advocates may have in care decisions and will be guided by you in this
Your responsibilities
  • Take an active role, to the extent that is right for you, in care decisions
  • You can choose to consent to or refuse a treatment
  • Ask for clarification on anything of which you are not sure


Your right

To have your privacy (including privacy of your body, belongings and personal space) maintained and information about you held confidentially.

Our responsibilities
  • Ensure your health information is only shared with appropriate health care providers
  • Recognise that you have a right to ask about your health record and clarify its contents
  • Read our privacy policy
Your responsibilities

Please respect the privacy and confidentiality of others.


Your right

You have the right to expect high standards of care, to make comment about your experiences, and to be heard.

Our responsibilities
  • Provide an easy way of giving feedback to us on the service you have received
  • If you feel your concerns are not met or are unhappy with the response you receive, you can contact an independent complaints resolution body, visit: www.safetyandquality.gov.au/your-rights
Your responsibilities
  • To raise your concerns in a respectful way
  • Talk to us if and when a problem arises and we will do everything we can to fix it
  • Tell us we have done a good job if that is how you feel
Types of accommodation

All of our overnight patient rooms are single rooms with an ensuite

Visiting hours

Visitors are welcome during hospital visiting hours. We encourage patient rest time from 1.00pm–2.30pm. Please be mindful that late evening and long visits may be tiring for patients.


Our chef and catering services provide meals according to the specific requirements of each patient. If you have any special dietary needs or allergies please advise us in your admission forms and when you are admitted.

Preparing for your operation

Your doctor will give you information about your operation, including how to prepare, and instructions about your medications If you have not been given any information, or you have a question, contact your doctor.

If you are unwell in the days prior to your operation, please talk to your doctor as your surgery may need to be rescheduled. Please let us know if you are unable to attend the hospital on the day of your operation.

Surgical patients may be contacted by a pre-admission nurse. This helps us to plan for your care and discharge. Please ensure your doctor has advised you of the medications you can take prior to your surgery as some may need to be stopped.

Our pre-admission nurse is available 9.30am– 5.00pm Monday to Friday, by phone 03 5976 5210.

Day procedure patients

On the day of your admission, shower with soap and do not use moisturiser. Wear clean garments that are comfortable and easy to remove.

Your nurse will let you know the expected time you can go home. Our staff will contact your relatives or friends to advise them that you are ready to be picked up 30 minutes prior to your discharge.

Wireless internet

Wireless internet is available to all patients and hospital guests. Our friendly staff will provide you with a password on arrival. If you require the wifi password, please ask us.

Infection control

We are committed to preventing the spread of infection. You can help us by:

  • using the alcohol-based hand rubs located throughout the hospital
  • not visiting patients if you feel unwell with fever, cough, cold/flu, nausea/vomiting, diahorrea, or have been in contact with someone who has an infectious disease
  • wearing a mask if concerned
Waiting for your surgery

Whilst we make every effort to minimise waiting times, there is a planned gap between your admission time and your operation. Things that may affect your waiting time or your position on the operating list are:

  • if you are a diabetic (and unable to fast)
  • your age
  • other medical conditions you may have
  • the type of operation you are having.

There is a television in the waiting area, and we recommend that you bring a book or magazine or electronic device to help you to pass the time.

Surgical admissions

You are welcome to bring one support person with you prior to entering the operating theatre.

If a child is being admitted, we ask that you stay with them before surgery and while they recover. Nursing staff will direct you to a waiting area while your child is in surgery.

Day surgery patients will return to the Day Surgery Unit to recover. When you are able to do so, staff will give you a drink and a light refreshment. We will give you information about your post-operative care prior to going home.

For your safety we require someone to accompany you home and stay with you for 12–24 hours after your surgery due to the e‹ects of an anaesthetic. Day surgery patients cannot drive or use public transport for 24 hours after their procedure.

Children admitted to The Bays

We encourage parents and carers to be involved in the care of a child needing to be admitted to hospital.

This helps minimise their distress at being in a strange place. We welcome you to stay overnight and will provide a bed in the same room.

Find out more about our paediatric and neonatal care.

Fall prevention

The unfamiliar environment of a hospital and the fact that you may be on medication can increase the likelihood of falls. To reduce the risk we ask you to:

  • take special care when walking or standing up (particularly if you are on medication)
  • familiarise yourself with the layout of your room
  • use the call bell when you need assistance from staff
  • be particularly cautious if the floor is wet
  • ask for help if you need to use the toilet and feel unsteady
  • ensure you have comfortable non-slip footwear

If your doctor has asked you to wear pressure stockings then it is a good idea to wear slippers over them. Rubber soled slippers are ideal.

Pressure injuries

A pressure injury is an area of skin that has been damaged by unrelieved pressure. When you are lying in bed or sitting in a chair it is important to change your position frequently.

Please tell a staff member if you have tenderness, or soreness over a bony area, or if you notice any red, blistered or broken skin. We can also organise an air mattress for high risk patients.

Blood clot prevention

Blood clotting is the way your body stops itself from bleeding. But a blood clot can become a problem when it is in the wrong place or blocks blood flow. Being immobile is a risk for developing a blood clot.

While you are in hospital, our staff will assess your risk of developing a blood clot and may ask you to wear compression stockings. They may also provide you with blood thinning medication.

Staying mobile, taking prescribed medications, drinking plenty of fluid and avoiding crossing your legs can also help to reduce the risks.

Alert a nurse as soon as possible if you have:

  • sudden increased pain or swelling in your legs
  • pain in your lungs or chest, or
  • culty breathing

If these symptoms occur after discharge, seek emergency medical treatment.

Your discharge from hospital

Your doctor will see you and confirm that you are ready to go home. We will provide you with any follow-up appointments or services you may require.

Discharge time is 9.30am. Please advise a nurse or receptionist when you are ready and a staff member will escort you to reception.

Before you leave:

  • make arrangements for your transport home
  • pick up all medications, x-rays and scans and any follow-up information provided
  • pack your bag and check your room for any personal belongings.
Concerns after you leave

If you have excessive pain or are concerned about your condition after you leave The Bays please contact your specialist, your GP, or ring the hospital directly on 03 5975 2009.

Ambulance cover

Ambulance cover is an aspect of your health insurance that varies for each person. We recommend you check this prior to coming into hospital. Many funds restrict ambulance cover for non-urgent transportation (such as transportation home or to another healthcare provider). If an ambulance is required, and you are not covered, fees will apply.

We advise that you join Ambulance Victoria to and ensure you have cover for emergency situations. 

Additional costs

During your stay you may need to have tests to give your doctor more information, or to help monitor your progress. The Bays engages the following local service providers for pathology, imaging (such as x-rays) and medications (given on discarge, or for pre-existing conditions):

  • Melbourne Pathology (03) 5975 2362
  • I-MED Radiology (03) 5974 0450
  • Slade Pharmacy (03) 5976 3285

Additional costs may apply for their services and you will receive an invoice separately. For further information please contact these service providers directly.

Settling your account

Patients are required to pay their known expenses (in full) at the time of admission. Additional costs such as newspapers, magazines or visitors’ meals are to be paid on discharge.

You may recieve an invoice in the mail should there be additional charges.

The Bays accepts payment by cash, cheque, bank transfer, EFTPOS or credit card. (We do not accept AMEX or Diners Card).

Please note that all card transactions incur a 1% surcharge to help cover bank charges.

Please contact hospital reception on 03 5975 2009 for details about making a direct bank transfer at least two days prior to admission.

Become a member

Join The Bays family by becoming a member.

Through your membership, you can contribute to the improvement of our facilities, resources, and healthcare infrastructure, for the benefit of the broader Mornington Peninsula community.

Membership entitles you to:

  • an annual discount of 40 percent of your out-of-pocket health insurance excess (once per year) *12-month waiting period applies for new members
  • invitations and free access to The Bays health and wellbeing sessions and special events
  • priority access to The Bays patient transport service
  • voting rights at The Bays Annual General Meeting
  • receive The Bays newsletter and publications
  • Feedback

    We will provide you with a patient questionnaire and encourage you to complete it. Your feedback about your stay with us is important information and we appreciate it. The information is received by our Director of Clinical Services.

    You can also write to us at:
    The Bays Healthcare Group Inc
    PO Box 483
    Mornington VIC 3931

    If you have a comment or complaint, please bring it to the attention of a member of staff. We are very keen to hear about it, and to help you.

    If you do not believe that your complaint has been dealt with satisfactorily, you have the right to direct your complaint to:

    Level 26, 570 Bourke Street
    Office of the Health Complaints Commissioner (VIC)
    Melbourne VIC 3000
    Phone 1300 582 113
    Website hcc.vic.gov.au

    The privacy of your information

    We collect information about you in order to ensure that you receive the very best care and treatment. The Bays Healthcare Group only collects information that is:

    • necessary to provide you with health services
    • required by law
    • required to meet statutory reporting requirements
    • required to enable the hospital to receive payment for the services it provides

    If you are transferred to another hospital or health care provider a summary of your admission and care record will travel with you.

    If you have any issues or concerns about your privacy please speak to a member of staff.

    The Bays Healthcare Group will not use your information for the secondary purpose of fundraising or promotion of community health initiatives, unless you have consented to receiving communications.

    The Bays adopts the Australian Privacy Principles and Health Privacy Principles as the basis of our health information privacy policy.

    For more information on privacy you can speak with our privacy officer by emailing HIS@thebays.com.au or refer to:

    Our totally smoke free policy

    Being totally smoke free means that The Bays is a safer, cleaner, healthier environment for everyone who is treated here, visits, or works with us.

    Smoking is not permitted in, or adjacent, to any of our facilities. This includes entrances, exits, balconies, gardens, car parks and in fleet vehicles. We encourage people to refrain from smoking as they approach our facilities. Your co-operation is appreciated. Please contact our preadmission nurse if you have concerns about this prior to your operation.

    Patient transport service

    Our complimentary patient transport service is available to help patients who do not have access to, or can’t arrange, transport to and from our hospital in Mornington. The service is provided by a team of experienced volunteer drivers, and is available to patients who are being admitted to hospital, dialysis, chemotherapy, or are attending a specialist appointment related to surgery at The Bays.

    Phone: 03 5970 5329
    Email: membership@thebays.com.au

    Would you like to help us?

    The Bays is a not for profit hospital. We rely on the generosity of the community to help us to purchase equipment, keep up with the latest medical developments and maintain a comfortable, supportive environment four our patients.

    If you would like to make a donation, please contact our Fundraising and Community Engagement Manager on 03 5970 5339. You can visit us during business hours. Alternatively, you can donate via our website at www.thebays.com.au, or email fundraising@thebays.com.au. Donations over $2 are tax deductible.