Our hospital

The Bays Hospital in Mornington offers a comprehensive range of acute medical, surgical, high dependency care and obstetric services – including a specialist consulting room complex and on-site radiology, pathology and pharmacy services.

The hospital has:

  • 100 beds
  • 5 theatres
  • 10 maternity rooms
  • 3 birthing suites
  • 6 high dependency care beds
  • 6 bay day infusion centre

We have obstetricians, anaesthetists and paediatricians available and on call 24/7.

We do not have an emergency department.

We are constantly upgrading and refurbishing our facilities to provide you with state-of-the-art equipment, facilities and comfort.

Patient rooms

The Bays medical, surgical and maternity units are all made up of spacious private patient rooms with ensuite bathrooms and every effort is made to make your stay as comfortable and pleasant as possible. Each room contains a bedside radio, telephone, remote-control television and in-house video channel.

High Dependency Unit

Our High Dependency Unit is a modern, state-of-the-art, 6-bed facility and provides specialised care for patients who require high level nursing care and clinical support.

Surgical Admissions and Day Surgery

Our Surgical Admissions and Day Surgery Unit is where our surgical admission patients are directed after initial registration on arrival to hospital.

This unit features a large welcoming waiting lounge with comfortable seating. The private consulting areas within this unit are used by our nursing staff to complete your admission paperwork and carry out your clinical assessment. These are also used by our surgeons and anaesthetists if they would like to speak with patients privately prior to surgery.

The Day Surgery Unit is located directly adjacent to the operating theatre complex. Once patients have recovered enough after surgery they are taken to the day surgery recovery areas. Private bays allow for patients to recover on a trolley until they are ready to sit in a recliner awaiting discharge home. Bathroom facilities are conveniently located in the unit. Televisions, wireless internet and catering are all provided for comfort and convenience.

Operating theatres

Our five state-of-the-art operating theatre suites and large post-operative recovery unit are fully equipped to carry out all major, minor, elective and emergency surgical procedures.

Maternity facilities

See information on our maternity page.

Day Infusion and Chemotherapy facilities

The Day Infusion and Chemotherapy Service is provided in a purpose designed unit, offering bright and spacious modern treatment areas. Each area is bathed in natural light with large windows. Treatment bays are spacious with options of private or shared areas. Each bay features comfortable reclining treatment chairs or there is a bed available.

The unit also has a private consulting room for patients to meet with their specialist in privacy.

Family and supportive friends are encouraged to accompany patients for their treatment in our bright and relaxed atmosphere.  iPads are available for watching television, movies or  listening to music. Or feel free to bring your own in from home. Access to wireless internet is provided.

Our onsite chefs prepare a variety of fresh catering options which are delivered to the unit daily.

The unit has 1 bed and 5 recliners and is located on Briars Ward. The adjoining patient rooms on Briars Ward allow for additional patients to receive Day Infusion or Medical Oncology treatment should there be a need to expand.

Dining with us

Our meals are prepared and cooked fresh onsite daily.

Our chef and catering team provide meals according to the specific requirements of each patient. If you have any special dietary needs or allergies please advise us when you are admitted.


The café is located on the ground floor of the hospital at the main entry behind hospital reception. Fresh food is prepared daily including a mix of hot meals, snacks, salads, assorted wraps, sandwiches, rolls and delicious slices and biscuits. Freshly brewed coffee and drinks are available. The Café is open Monday – Friday.

Court yard

The hospitals courtyard is a lovely outdoor space featuring a lovely garden and water feature.The courtyard is accessed through the café.

Outdoor table and chairs with umbrellas for shade on sunny days are available for hospital visitors and staff to take a break and enjoy some fresh air.

Gift shop

Our Gift Shop is located on the ground floor, in the atrium on route to the hospitals wards. There is a variety of lovely gifts, cards and hand made crafts available for purchase. There are also some toiletries and personal items for patients to purchase.

Staffed by hospital volunteers, the gift shop is popular with our staff and hospital visitors and all proceeds go to The Bays.

Wireless internet

Wireless internet is available to all patients and hospital guests. Our friendly staff will provide you with a password on arrival. If you require the wifi password, please ask us.

Wheelchair access

The hospitals main reception entrance at Vales Street and the Main Street entrance to our consulting suites both provide for easy wheelchair access to the hospital. Lifts are located to upper levels to access consulting suites and wards.

Disabled car parks are clearly labelled in our main hospital car park at Vale Street and also some are reserved in our consulting suite car park entrance off Main Street.

Ambulance access

An undercover ambulance entrance is located at the front of the hospital near our main entrance. This is used for patients arriving and departing the hospital via ambulance transport. It is well used and appreciated by ambulance staff and our patients during the cold and wetter times of the year.

Smoke free

We care about your health. Our hospital is a smoke free facility. We do not permit smoking on our property.

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