Dr Sameer Kaul


Respiratory Physician

Dr Sameer Kaul is a Fellow of the Royal Australasian College of Physicians having specialised in Respiratory and Sleep Medicine. He started his basic physician training at Frankston Hospital which he completed at The Alfred Hospital in Melbourne.

He acquired broad experience in all facets of Internal Medicine with placements in various metropolitan, suburban and rural hospitals including Rosebud, Sandringham, Shepparton and Mildura Base Hospital. He returned to work as the Senior Medical Registrar at The Alfred Hospital where he was heavily involved in the organization of the hospital’s physician training program, departmental research, audits and supervision of junior medical staff.

He then went on to complete three more years of training in Respiratory and Sleep Medicine at The Alfred Hospital and Frankston Hospital. He is a current member of the Thoracic Society of Australia and New Zealand. His interests include all facets of Respiratory and Sleep Medicine with particular interests in sleep-related respiratory disorders, non- invasive ventilation and cardiovascular effects of sleep.

Special Interests

  • Sleep related respiratory disorders
  • Asthma
  • COPD
  • Dyspnoea
  • Non-invasive ventilation & cardiovascular effects of sleep
  • Sleep apnoea
  • Flexible bronchoscopy
  • Endobronchial ultrasound
  • Intercostal catheter insertion


  • MBBS

Consulting Details

Wattletree Specialist Consulting Suites267 Cranbourne Road, Frankston

Phone: 03 9776 6933