Information for GPs

GP education program

The strong relationship we have with our local General Practitioner (GP) community is important to us. The feedback we get from local GPs gives us valuable information on the healthcare needs of our community and how we can best provide it. We regularly host GP education events to help us stay in touch with local GPs, and provide the latest clinical information.

The Bays is an RACGP accredited education provider. We host regular Category 1 and 2 GP education events on the Mornington Peninsula covering various topics. Our education involves hospital staff, local medical specialists and specialist nurses. It streamlines and enhances the patient care we provide as a team.

Please forward any education topic requests to us. Where possible we will try to cover your suggested topics in our program.

We communicate our news, services, developments, new specialists contact details and education events to our GPs regularly. If you are a GP and would like to receive our communication via email, please let us know.

GP Events
Phone 03 59765 242